Teensy41_AsyncTCP Library

Teensy41_AsyncTCP library GitHub release
How To Install Using Arduino Library Manager


This library is based on, modified from:

  1. Hristo Gochkov's ESPAsyncTCP
  2. Hristo Gochkov's AsyncTCP

to apply the better and faster asynchronous feature of the powerful ESPAsyncTCP Library without SSL to Teensy 4.1 using LwIP-based QNEthernet Library, and will be the base for future or current and more advanced Async libraries, such as AsyncHTTPRequest_Generic, AsyncHTTPRequest_Generic, AsyncMQTT_Generic, Teensy41_AsyncWebServer, Teensy41_AsyncUDP, Teensy41_AsyncDNSServer, Teensy41_AsyncTCP_SSL, etc.

Why Async is better

  • Using asynchronous network means that you can handle more than one connection at the same time
  • You are called once the request is ready and parsed
  • When you send the response, you are immediately ready to handle other connections while the server is taking care of sending the response in the background
  • Speed is OMG
  • Easy to use API, HTTP Basic and Digest MD5 Authentication (default), ChunkedResponse
  • Easily extensible to handle any type of content
  • Supports Continue 100
  • Async WebSocket plugin offering different locations without extra servers or ports
  • Async EventSource (Server-Sent Events) plugin to send events to the browser
  • URL Rewrite plugin for conditional and permanent url rewrites
  • ServeStatic plugin that supports cache, Last-Modified, default index and more
  • Simple template processing engine to handle templates

Currently supported Boards

  1. Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet Library


Initial Releases v1.0.0

  1. Initial porting and coding to support Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet Library
  2. Add example multiFileProject to demo for multiple-file project to avoid multiple-definitions linker error

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