I need a scanner with the lowest angle detection posible, just for measuring distance from the sensor to a single spot as a laser pointer, and not to any object arround.
The distance i wan't to measure goes from 50 cm to 3m.
I have been looking, but i have not seen anything without a open angle range.
¿Is that posible?
THank you!!
You must have a specification for how big of a spot you want. 1cm diameter, 8cm diameter? Also specify the distance at which you want the spot to be that small. It will get bigger at longer ranges.
You must have a specification for how big of a spot you want. 1cm diameter, 8cm diameter? Also specify the distance at which you want the spot to be that small. It will get bigger at longer ranges.
Thanks MorganS.
1cm diameter or less it would be perfect, until the 3 meters distance. I don't need any measure further than 3m, so if the diameter increases at 4, 5 or 10 m it's not a problem.
Thank you!
You'll have to look for lasers - ultrasound is definitely out as it produces a far too big spot.
Will the point you try to measure be any special, such as a reflector?
Also wondering, how are you planning to keep your measuring device pointed this accurately?