I am working with the Yun and tried a few different Temboo examples and have everything working perfectly -- that is, when I upload the Sketch. I'm trying to figure out how I can make a given sketch work after resetting or restarting the Yun. More specifically, I can successfully upload and run the sketch. However, the moment I disconnect (i.e.,, unplugging it from the USB) and then reconnect the Yun, I need to reupload the sketch to make it work. For example, the data logger program where the yun reads a sensor and uploads to a Google spreadsheet works perfectly when I upload the sketch. However, if I unplug the Yun and then plug it back in again, it no longer logs the data. I'm assuming that the sketch would work just like a traditional Arduino sketch -- e.g., if I install the blink program, unplug the arduino and put it to another power supply, the blink program would continue to work.
I'm guessing that I am missing something pretty obvious...