Temperature Controller with LCD Menu

Please Help

Hi so Ive started a project and i'm a bit stuck,

Its a Temperature Controller with integrated timer and LCD Menu

On arduino uno with LCD Keypad Shield

Ive manage to create a LCD Menu with a built in Timer but need to add a Temperature sensor that Controls a relay that can be adjustable in menu and also show current Temperature on LCD.

ive attached what ive done so far

Config.cpp (3 KB)

Config.h (1.38 KB)

LcdKeypad.cpp (7.04 KB)

LcdKeypad.h (2.92 KB)

MenuData.h (1.38 KB)

MenuManager.cpp (5.84 KB)

MenuManager.h (3.68 KB)

Temp_Control.ino (12 KB)

but need to add a Temperature sensor that Controls a relay that can be adjustable in menu and also show current Temperature on LCD.

Do you HAVE a temperature sensor? If so, which one, and how is it connected?

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Digital Thermal Probe connected to Pin A5

Have you written your code in stages and tested it before combining all your I/O?

What model Arduino do you have?

Tom... :slight_smile:

Have you written your code in stages and tested it before combining all your I/O?

What model Arduino do you have?

Tom... :slight_smile:

Hi Tom

I took a LCD Timer menu from a different project i found on the web and changed some of the code, i was hoping to just add some extra features in to that but no 100% sure how.

And Its Arduino Uno

Thanks brandon

i was hoping to just add some extra features in to that but no 100% sure how.

So, you don't understand any of the code you have? Well, you'll need to before you start making changes.

There are roughly 1815418164806803 examples around that show how to connect and get data from that sensor that you have.

Using that data in an if statement is trivial. Setting a pin HIGH or LOW in the body of the it statement, or its else body, is a no-brainer.

So, it would appear that only challenge you will face is getting the value to compare the temperature to, to decide whether the pin/relay should be on or off. And THAT requires that you fully understand the menu stuff that you have now.