Temperature readings from the YF-S201 flow sensor

Hi. I hope someone can help me.

I have an Arduino UNO and a YF-S201 flow sensor also equipped with a temperature sensor. I just can't figure out how to get signals from the temperature sensor. This is how I have connected it:

Black (ground)
Red (5V)
Yellow (PWM 2)
Green (A0)

But I get 0V output using analogeRead(A0).

Any clue?

Optimistic regards

a YF-S201 flow sensor also equipped with a temperature sensor.

Can you please provide a link to the device that you have.

Any clue?

Without knowing what you are talking about? No. Post a link to the hardware you are trying to use, and your code.

Oh, sorry. Here it is..

Using Google Translate I cannot see that the device has any form of temperature sensor built in. Why do you think that it has ?

Hi, it has 4 cables. Maybe this page is more suitable

Hi, it has 4 cables. Maybe this page is more suitable


I really have no idea what they are trying to say here:

  Green R Resistors (50K)

but I would try using a multimeter, set to measure resistance, and see if the resistance changes as the temperature changes. I suspect that the device is meant to be used as part of a voltage divider.

Dear PaulIS. Aha, yes, it does. Ok, I will try to see how I can figure out how to use it :).

I think it is a resistance of 50k type ntc, measured with the tester.
I did not know this type of sensor, disassemble mine and make some modifications.
In case you are interested leave link. YF-S402 + DS18B20