Temperature sensor DEVANTECH TSA 01

how to use temperature sensor devantech tsa01 for arduino?
how much convertion code?
Help me Please :blush:

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

Output 10.0 mV/°C (typical)
Output Voltage at 0°C 500mV

Specs are the same as the TMP36.

Use a sketch written for the TMP36.
Plenty of them online and on this site.
Enter "TMP36" in the search box on top of this page.

Here's one I wrote.

// TMP36 temp sensor output connected to analogue input A0
// power pin connected to 3.3volt

unsigned int total; // A/D readings
float tempC; // Celcius
float tempF; // Fahrenheit

void setup() {
  analogReference(INTERNAL); // use the internal ~1.1volt reference | change to (INTERNAL1V1) for a Mega

void loop() {
  // read the sensor
  for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { // 64(max) analogue readings for averaging
    total = total + analogRead(A0); // add each value
  // temp conversion
  tempC = total * 0.001632 - 50.0; // Calibrate by slightly changing 0.0016xx
  tempF = tempC * 1.8 + 32; // Celcius to Fahrenheit

  Serial.print("The temperature is  ");
  Serial.print(tempC, 1); // one decimal place
  Serial.print(" Celcius  ");
  Serial.print(tempF, 1); // one decimal place
  Serial.println(" Fahrenheit");

  total = 0; // reset total
  delay(1000); // slows readings

Thanks Wawa :slight_smile:

My students, I have learned arduino.
Devantech wear tsa01 but still confused how to use.

if there is any more trouble, I am asking for help from all of you.

thanks for all