Hello everybody
i am trying to connect to blynk via Wemos D1R1
followed the procedure as described here (LEGACY- not compatible with the current platform)Tutorial: Control Arduino over USB with Blynk app - YouTube
and seem to be on the right path
because it says connecting and transferring dataas it should and as shown but stuck in the same status without connecting, what could be the problem? the terminal message i displays ;
Connecting: GOPEN:/dev/tty.wchusbserialfd120,raw,echo=0,clocal=1,cs8,nonblock=1,ixoff=0,ixon=0,ispeed=9600,ospeed=9600,crtscts=0 <-> openssl-connect:blynk-cloud.com:443,cafile=/Users/katsiv/Documents/Arduino/libraries/libraries/Blynk/scripts/certs/server.crt,nodelay
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N opening character device “/dev/tty.wchusbserialfd120” for reading and writing
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N opening connection to LEN=16 AF=2
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N successfully connected from local address LEN=16 AF=2
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N trusting certificate, commonName matches
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N SSL connection compression “none”
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N SSL connection expansion “none”
2020/04/01 22:40:54 socat[4134] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [5,5] and [8,8]
it tries to reconnect every 15 minutes or so