Terminology and what do I need to control a 64 LED matrix

I'm getting frustrated because I keep buying parts that I don't need. I want to cheaply control a common annode/common cathode LED matrix.

At first I thought I needed a mutliplexer to do this. So I bought a bunch of SN74150N "multiplexers". After spending 4 hours trying to simply understand what this chip does I gave up on. I thought a mutliplexer simply bridged or closed the switch between the output pin and whatever input pin you are selecting. This thing rather, reads the input pin I've selected and gives me the inverse reading on the output. That doesn't sound like a multiplexer to me.... I don't know what this chip would really be. Why does the manufacturer think they're making a multiplexer? What don't I understand about multiplexing?

Second I bought a multiplexer that actually does just what I think a multiplexer should do; bridge or close the switch between the input pin I've selected and the output pin. The multiplexer I bought was the cheap $0.50 CD4067BE. This would work brilliantly if not all my cathodes were common ground. I want to actually control 2 pins on the LED matrix at a time, a annode pin and cathode pin. The CD4067BE only gives me one output at a time. I may be able to use 2, 8 input multiplexers to control one 64 LED matrix though. The CD4067BE has 16 inputs though so I don't think this chip will work for my task.

Maybe what I need is a shift register? I don't know what that does but the word pops up a lot when dealing with an LED matrix...

Maybe what I need is a latch? I don't even know what a latch is either...

I've heard the MAX7219 "LED driver" too. However those chips cost $8.00 each and that simply seems very expensive for an IC. Isn't there a cheaper "LED Driver" that is just as good (16 pin output)? Why do people refer to this chip as a multiplexer when it isn't one? It uses clock signaling to turn the outputs on/off which is not the way a multiplexer works from what I understand.

I recognize that I'm very confused at this point. Thanks to anyone who can help me get straightened out!

Have a read here
I think you will get a lot from the process.

If, after your research, you decide to use MAX7219 chips as drivers, you can get them for far less than eight dollars each by searching eBay or buying from this company:

Same goes with TI TLC5940 chips which are good for matrix control with greyscale (PWM) ability too. But they are harder to use because they are only low-side drivers and you have to scan the top side yoruself. The MAX chip does both, just without PWM.

Hello yumology,

as they say "I feel your pain" I see that Crossroads has referred you to the thread where he spent much time helping me with this same problem, so if you need any assistance please let me know although I warn you I am a rank amateur but at least with much help I can use shift registers a little. Another chip that is really easy to use is the MAX7219 and I found these two tutorials invaluable.

For common cathode matrix –

For common anode matrix –

Try here for cheap Max7219's 10 for $5.10 US and free postage-

Good luck stick with it you will sort it out, Pedro.

Thanks guys. I think you've given me enough articles to keep me busy for a while. I appreciate the links!