Test post - please do not delete

This is a test post of attempting to edit a post I have just made as a non-moderator.

  • Nick Gammon

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac tortor est. Fusce quis consequat est. Sed in ligula nisi. Cras viverra lacus nulla, in malesuada nibh euismod et. Fusce at lacus id eros dignissim pharetra non et purus. Pellentesque aliquet lorem in mauris interdum dapibus. In posuere neque et nibh tincidunt, ac fringilla nibh tempor. Pellentesque ut eros at mauris posuere vestibulum. Nulla non porttitor purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam in rhoncus ex. Nunc porttitor quis nunc a facilisis. Aliquam arcu augue, tempus id magna eget, dignissim ultricies nisi. Donec luctus tincidunt imperdiet. Proin vitae ipsum ligula.

I am making this because of claims that posts cannot be edited.

Can anyone specify what the time period is, that this applies to?

Looks like it is one minute, does that sound right?

No time period here.
Just one Edit allowed ... then Modify and Remove disappears.
Jump to another page and back and Modify and Remove disappears.


OK thanks.

Thanks for looking into this, it's a real annoying "feature" (getting a lot of those these days).