Text from webpage on LCD using Arduino UNO and NRF24L01

Hello friends, i want to ask if is it possible to display inputed text from web on LCD connected to Arduino using NRF24L01? If yes, can you please help me?

Hello friends, i want to ask if is it possible to display inputed text from web on LCD connected to Arduino using NRF24L01?

Yes, it is.

If yes, can you please help me?

With what? Do you have an Ethernet shield? Is the Arduino acting as a server? Can you send data from one Arduino with radio to another Arduino with radio? Can you display text on the LCD?

Iam sorry for not write it clear but iam kinda new to this.. Thats the thing, i dont have ethernet shield, just arduino, lcd display and NRF24L01 and i want to take text from webpage and print it on lcd.. Yes i can display text on LCD from code input or from serial monitor..

i want to take text from webpage

How do you propose to do this? Without an Ethernet shield, and the Arduino acting as a server, the web page might as well be rendered on the back side of the moon. You can NOT make the browser give up any of its secrets.

Oh looks like i was totally wrong.. I thought that i can use NRF24L01 instead of Ethernet shield.. So is there any way how arduino can take text from website using wifi not ethernet shield?

If you intend to have the user go to http://some.server.that.is.not.the.Arduino/somePage.html and get a web page that contains a form with a text entry field and a submit button that makes GET requests to http://some.server.that.is.not.the.Arduino/someScript.someExtension, and expect that script to magically make text appear on your LCD, you are going to be disappointed.

A WiFi shield will allow you to connect to a WiFi network. While connected to the network, the Arduino CAN act as a server. If it serves up the web page, it can respond to the GET requests.

A WiFi shield will allow you to connect to a WiFi network. While connected to the network, the Arduino CAN act as a server. If it serves up the web page, it can respond to the GET requests.

Is it possible to do this with esp8266 or it has to be wifi shield?

Is it possible to do this with esp8266

For some people, yes.

For some people, yes.

So not :smiley:

Ok so the conclusion is that i need WiFi shield to make server from my arduino to host web page on which i can input text and send it to arduino using script and then to lcd display right?

One more question, do i need SD card to save that text or arduino can handle it without it?

Either an ESP8266 or a Wifi shield can be used. By some people. The questions that you are asking indicate that it is going to be an uphill battle all the way for you, regardless of which device you get.

You really should start with an Ethernet shield, first, and get the server providing the page, and reacting to the GET requests, and understanding just what is in the GET request, and what the page needs to look like, and scraping the data from the GET request, and showing that data on the LCD.

Only when you know how to do all of that should you consider doing it without wires.

An nRF24l01+ can only talk to another nRF24L01+.

You can certainly use an ESP8266 to connect to the internet via a Wifi access point of hotspot. You can use an ESP8266 in either of 2 ways. It can be connected to an Arduino or it it can be programmed to operate on its own because it has its own powerful microprocessor. There is a lot of info about ESP8266 on the ESP8266 Forum

The ESP8266 is a great deal cheaper than an Ethernet shield


i have webpage, i want to read particular text from that webpage and display it on LCD

I have suggested to the Moderator to move your query to its own Thread as it has nothing to do with an nRF24

Post the code that you have tried and tell us what it actually does and what you want it to do that is different.
