I came up with an idea of an Arduino Board that is connected to the internet through Ethernet, and sends text with the GSM shield.
Text your zip code, City, or State to get a text with all the statistics for weather. Text "add" and your zip code, city, or state to be added onto a list that texts you when a major storm, or any warning in general has been issued. Using weather.com, the information is ripped directly from there and updated. Locally, the LCD screen connected to the Arduino Board will display requests for weather, time, date, how many people using the service, when a new phone number is added, etc.
I only have the Arduino Uno, SD card shield, Ethernet Shield, 20x16 LCD screen, and I am going to purchase the GSM shield.
Thing is, is that I have no experience with programming or Arduino designing, since I just purchased the board and components on 3/28/13.
Please post, personal message, or email me with help. I have no idea what I'm doing, and would like guidance. It's why I posted this, anyways.
The Ethernet Shield already contains the microSD card socket.
Click on the "Getting started" link in that page, and try a few examples for the Ethernet and SD card.
The examples for that are also included in the Arduino IDE (the Arduino software).
I got the SD card shield because my MicroSD card didn't have enough storage.
I use the microSD card slot on my w5100 based ethernet shield with a 4 GB microSD card I got at Walmart. Just how many phone numbers do you need to store?
The is no (absolutely no) difference between the microSD card socket on the ethernet shield and the SD card shield. They both can be 16GB (or 32GB, I'm not sure).
I can store a lot of phone numbers. From 100-1000. If I can use the SD cards, I can hold a lot of phone numbers.
Have you actually stored or read anything on your SD cards? If not, then work on that piece first.
And how to provide RSS feed from Weather.com. And have all the zip codes, citys and states update, for about every 10min.
It appears that you wnat to retrieve weather information from Weather.com, so have you been able to do that yet? You may want to search the forum for "weather" to see previous similar projects.
I just need to know if my setup will work and how to program it all.
Maybe, maybe not. A lot depends on your knowledge and level of effort.
It will work.
Set the Arduino as a Webclient, and do a request.
The request is for example this, Dublin, D Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel | Weather.com
You have to get the wanted string from the weather channel RSS feed creator.
Read the returned data and extract what you want.
It will not be easy, but it can be done.