TFMini Plus does not respond

New TFMini Plus connected to a Mega2560. red and black to VCC and Gnd. The two serial wires to Serial2 on the Mega. I also tried it in Serial1 and other combos. Noting works. It does not respond in setup() as needed.

I am out of ides as to why a seemingly good (new out of the box) TFMini Plus should not respond to this code.

Any help is much appreciated!

Here is the error from my code:

16:45:58.991 -> TFMPlus Library Example - 10SEP2021
16:45:58.991 -> Soft reset: 
16:46:00.020 ->        *********** failed soft reset ****************
16:46:00.020 -> Status: TIMEOUT
16:46:00.020 ->  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
16:46:00.535 -> Firmware version: 
16:46:01.518 -> *************  Failed version data  **********************
16:46:01.565 -> Status: TIMEOUT
16:46:01.565 ->  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
16:46:01.565 -> Data-Frame rate: 
16:46:02.547 -> ****************  Failed set frame rate  ***********************
16:46:02.547 -> Status: TIMEOUT
16:46:02.547 ->  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Here is my source code:

#include <TFMPlus.h>  // Include TFMini Plus Library v1.5.0
TFMPlus tfmP;         // Create a TFMini Plus object

//#include "printf.h"   // Modified to support Intel based Arduino
//                      // devices such as the Galileo. Download from:
//                      //

// The Software Serial library is an alternative for devices that
// have only one hardware serial port. Delete the comment slashes
// on lines 37 and 38 to invoke the library, and be sure to choose
// the correct RX and TX pins: pins 10 and 11 in this example. Then
// in the 'setup' section, change the name of the hardware 'Serial2'
// port to match the name of your software serial port, such as:
// 'mySerial.begin(115200); etc.

//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>       
//SoftwareSerial mySerial( 10, 11);   
void setup()
   Serial.begin( 115200);   // Intialize terminal serial port
   delay(20);               // Give port time to initalize
   //printf_begin();          // Initialize printf.
   Serial.println(   F(   "TFMPlus Library Example - 10SEP2021"   )  );  

   Serial2.begin( 115200);  // Initialize TFMPLus device serial port.
   delay(20);               // Give port time to initalize
   tfmP.begin( &Serial2);   // Initialize device library object and...
                             // pass device serial port to the object.

   // Send some example commands to the TFMini-Plus
   // - - Perform a system reset - - - - - - - - - - -
   Serial.println( "Soft reset: ");
   if( tfmP.sendCommand( SOFT_RESET, 0))
       Serial.println( "passed");
       Serial.println( F("       *********** failed soft reset ****************" ) ) ;  
   delay(500);  // added to allow the System Rest enough time to complete
   // - - Display the firmware version - - - - - - - - -
   Serial.println( "Firmware version: ");
   if( tfmP.sendCommand( GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION, 0))
      Serial.print(  F( "Version   " ) ) ;
      Serial.print(  tfmP.version[ 0]); // print three single numbers
      Serial.print(  F( "." ) ) ;
      Serial.print(  tfmP.version[ 1]); // each separated by a dot
      Serial.print(  F( "." ) ) ;
      Serial.println(  tfmP.version[ 2]);
      Serial.println( F(  "*************  Failed version data  **********************" ) ) ; 
   // - - Set the data frame-rate to 20Hz - - - - - - - -
   Serial.println( "Data-Frame rate: ");
   if( tfmP.sendCommand( SET_FRAME_RATE, FRAME_20))
      Serial.print(  F( "Frame rate:  " ) ) ;
      Serial.println(  FRAME_20);
      Serial.println(  F(  "****************  Failed set frame rate  ***********************" ) ) ; 

    // The next two commands may be used to switch the device 
    // into I2C mode.  This sketch will no longer receive UART
    // (serial) data.  The 'TFMPI2C_example' sketch in the 
    // TFMPI2C Library can be used to switch the device back
    // to UART mode.
    // Don't forget to switch the cables, too.
    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Serial.println( "Set I2C Mode: ");
    if( tfmP.sendCommand( SET_I2C_MODE, 0))
        Serial.println( "mode set.\r\n");
    else tfmP.printReply();
    Serial.println( "Save settings: ");
    if( tfmP.sendCommand( SAVE_SETTINGS, 0))
        Serial.println( "saved.\r\n");
    else tfmP.printReply();
    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    

   delay(50000);            // And wait for a long time

// Initialize variables
int16_t tfDist = 0;    // Distance to object in centimeters
int16_t tfFlux = 0;    // Strength or quality of return signal
int16_t tfTemp = 0;    // Internal temperature of Lidar sensor chip

// Use the 'getData' function to pass back device data.
void loop()
    delay(50);   // Loop delay to match the 20Hz data frame rate

    if( tfmP.getData( tfDist, tfFlux, tfTemp)) // Get data from the device.
      Serial.print(  F( "   distance   " ) ) ;
      Serial.println(  tfDist);   // display distance,
      Serial.print(  F( "   flux   " ) ) ;
      Serial.println(  tfFlux);   // display signal strength/quality,
      Serial.print(  F( "   temp     " ) ) ;
      Serial.println( tfTemp );   // display temperature,
      //Serial.println( "\r\n");                   // end-of-line.
    else                  // If the command fails...
      tfmP.printFrame();  // display the error and HEX dataa

Did you take the plastic coating off the front of the TFMiniP? I burnt my first TFMiniP up cause I did not take the plastic covering off. The thing just does not work with the covering in place.

Yes I did take the plastic film off.

In Setup it never gets past the initialization. Not even the first step

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