TFT 1.8" LCD Flickers like crazy when used with SD

It seems that SD read function interferes with the screen since MOSI and SCK are shared. I've uploaded the video here. video

I bought the module from here: link

Is there a solution to this other than using seperated sd module?

Same problem here: 1.8" TFT ST7735 Flickers drawing bitmaps - Displays - Arduino Forum

Ok, this topic is quite old, but maybe someone did find a solution.

I'm having the same problem with a 1,8" TFT with SST7735S chip:
The display flickers when reading the SD card. Writing does not flicker.

I tried:

  • Capacitors in different places.
  • Delays before / after TFT/SD access.
  • SPI.endTransaction and manually writing HIGH to the TFT-Slaveselect pin after usage.

Nothing helped.

My workaround for now is to implement a read cache for my database (~1kB). I read all data into RAM at application startup.

Can anyone with a similar configuration confirm this problem?