TFT 2.2 Inch LCD, only white screen

So I recently bought this TFT 2.2 inch display from Nano V3.0 ATmega328P Controller Board + Nano IO Extension Board - Free shipping - DealExtreme

I wired it like this to my Arduino Mega 2560:

3.3V - LED
52 - SCK
43 - DC/RS
42 - RESET
53 - CS
3.3V - VCC

I connect the USB and I get this white screen from the LED that turns on.

I install the Adafruit ST7735 and Adafruit GTX libraries through 'Manage libraries' and I open one of the examples from the ST7735 libraries.
I change the pins in the code, which are for Arduino UNO, to the pins I selected on the Arduino MEGA.
I verify the code, it gives some orange text at the bottom but verifying is completed.
I upload the code and nothing happens.

What is the issue here?

Those displays only work with 3.3V logic levels.

You can use resistors to achieve this, see here.

You also need to use the right ILI9341 based library, not one for a ST7735 based display.

Ok so I ordered the resistors on the link and wired it like he says.
I did this on my Arduino UNO, not on the mega.

SDO/MISO not connected
5V with 56 ohm to LED
Digital pin 13 with 1k2 to SCK and from 13 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 11 with 1k2 to SDI/MOSI and from 11 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 8 with 1k2 to DC/RS and from 8 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 7 with 1k2 to RESET and from 7 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 9 with 1k2 to CS and from 9 to ground with 1k8
GND to ground
VCC to 5V

Same thing in Fritzing:

Now I tried the graphicstest example from the ILI9341 library, I also installed the GFX library.
I changed DC and CS in the script to the right pins.
I still get nothing else than the white screen.

I tried the ST7735 graphics test and that gave me this half grey thingy that kept being buggy



You have wired it up correctly.

Try an Adafruit_ILI9341 example such as graphicstest and make sure you configure the pins in the sketch correctly and add the RESET line too (not in the sketch as provided), with your setup you would use:

#define TFT_DC 8
#define TFT_CS 9
#define TFT_RESET 7
// Use hardware SPI (on Uno, #13, #12, #11) and the above for CS/DC
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC**, TFT_RESET**);

Note that the pin has been added to the constructor as shown in bold.

It's alive!

It was the reset that was lacking.
Thanks for the help everyone.

Now I'll try to figure out how to put my own text on it :smiley:

You can tie reset_pin to 3v3. Then omit the reset_parameter. (save a pin)