TFT 800x480 MAR4018 driver NT35510 A l'AIDE SVP

ECRAN TFT 800x480 MAR4018 driver NT35510 ... A l'AIDE SVP
Je n'ai pas pu trouver de librairie disposant des paramètres nécessaires pour le driver NT35510 pour fonctionnement sur MEGA 2560 pour le quel cet ecran est prévu (enfichage direct sur le mega 2560) .
Seule la librairie LCDWIKI_KBV donne un test simple par forçage direct (sans librairie), inutilisable autrement.
Tous les autres sketchs de demo ne fonctionnent par manque de présence du driver.
Au secours ... Merci d'avance

I have successfully used Arduino_GFX with NT35510.

// Arduino MEGA shield, 16bit parallel
// Arduino_AVRPAR16(int8_t dc, int8_t cs, int8_t wr, int8_t rd, uint8_t portLow, uint8_t portHigh);
//Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_AVRPAR16(38, 40, 39, 43, 3, 1);

//Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ILI9488(bus, 41, 0, false);
//Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ILI9486(bus, 41, 0, false);
//Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_NT35510(bus, 41, 0, false);

It might also work with MCUFriend_kbv, but I have no time to go check.

You could provide a link or a picture of the backside.

My apologies for sending you a direct message, I will correct this by reviewing these messages on the entire forum. Thanks again
here the picture of this TFT screen
My apologies for sending you a direct message, I will correct this by reviewing these messages on the entire forum. Thanks again

Encore merci de votre aide, désolé pour le mélange des messages

@risafran , thank you for the picture! I have the same display.

The lines of post #2 are taken from my known_good.h, I use e.g. with PDQgraphictest.
See also this post.
Good Luck!

Hello ZinggJM thank you for all the information given. Despite everything, I'm a little lost in all the modifications that are scattered around and I can't establish the order and the files in which they should be inserted. Could you send me a complete sketch (.ino) making this display work on MEGA 2560 (or eventually ESP32) as well as the different libraries necessary for its compilation because I have the impression that many modifications are necessary on the GFX and other libraries and it is precisely there that I have difficulties (exemple where is the "known.good.h"). Once I can make the screen work with its libraries, I will be able( I hope) to adapt it to my needs (display of texts and images). Thank you in advance for your very friendly support. Risafran
My first name is François

Hello François

The reason I like this library is that you don't need to change anything in the library.
All configuration can be done in the application, in the examples.
The additions I had provided to this library are now in the official version (after some cleanup by the author of the library).
You install the official Arduino_GFX with the Arduino Library Manager. I is a known library.
It is known as GFX Library for Arduino by the Library Manager.
The "known.good.h" is my (local) addition to the examples I use, to easily configure for the displays I tested with. You can see how I did that in my fork in a test branch:
Note that the test branch is outdated, and my actual "known_good.h" has additions.
But in the content that link points to, you can see how I added this #include, and which lines in the example I have commented out.
And of course you need to uncomment the appropriate lines for your board and display in the "known_good.h", or copy these lines into the example instead of the #include "known_good.h".
Hope this helps.

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My dear Jean-Marc, I think I have done the necessary manipulations but I am not sure because I always have a compilation error in the program when defining the screen. I am sending you the table files as an attachment. I hope not to bother you too much by asking you to check and tell me the corrections to make (or if it is not too much to ask to correct the sketch for me) what is wrong to make this MAR4048 screen work on MEGA 2560 which is really giving me difficulties.
Thanks again in advance. Very friendly greetings.

Arduino_GFX_databus.h (4.24 KB)

Arduino_GFX_dev_device.h (33.9 KB)

Arduino_GFX_display.h (8.54 KB)

Arduino_GFX_pins.h (2.09 KB)

PDQgraphicstest_FRANCOIS.ino (14.4 KB)

Why do I try to explain, when obviously I can't make clear what I mean?
I just had to uncomment one line more, to not need that file.

PDQgraphicstest_FRANCOIS.ino (15.5 KB)

But I need to find out why it does not compile, tomorrow.
Maybe I need to update the library version on my notebook.

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This error has been fixed 5 days ago. But the actual release is older.
You need to download and replace Arduino_AVRPAR16.h and Arduino_AVRPAR16.cpp

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bonjour,pour ma part avec la librairie de chez buy-display utft et la lib touch screen de chez LCDwiki tout fonctionne super
Dispo_ecran gene

Dispo_ecran gene