i bought color display TFT module ( LCD Module 2.2-inch with SPI interface), but unfortunately I'm not able to set it up. I tried several different libraries that are writed for ILI9341 driver. i checked All pins and other stuff's several times and I have done according to the manual but it does not work and it's just show white light of LED. Please guide me. Is screen broken or burned?
For Example :
Seeed ILI9341 2.2 TFT+SD library
(Arduino: TFT)
D5 : CS
D6 : D/C
D7 : LED
D11 : MOSI
D12 : MISO
D13 : SCK
i used readid() code for identify the device that it's worked fine also sd card does work correctly!
Please help =( Thanks
hi Sir
Thanks for your help. i looked at your link and I've done everything's again but same white light shows up.
i will take couple of photos from arduino and tft module maybe you figure it out what's my problem XD
i used lm317t for 3.3 v for my tft vcc but you mean by logic voltage 5 i must regular all digital pins voltage to 3.3 v for working module?
I'm idiot i know please help
thanks it's worked now with 3.3 voltage divider for all pins ( except miso and led pin) much much kissssssssss for all of you
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
thanks it's worked now with 3.3 voltage divider for all pins ( except miso and led pin) much much kissssssssss for all of you
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Which library are you using now?
Do you use hardware SPI or software SPI?
Is the display slow or fast ?