TFT display blinks when SD card is read


I'm using a generic SPI 128x160 TFT display with SD card on my Uno. Also using the standard Arduino SD.h, SPI, and TFT.h files. When ever I write data to the SD card, the TFT screen blinks and appears to refresh, but the screen's contents always come back without error. When I disable the SD card writes, the screen no longer blinks even when the screen is being written too. Is there a bug in the include files that causes an unclean transition from TFT to SD? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


You need to connect each SPI device's CS pin to a separate pin of your Arduino.
That pin tells the devices the data on the SPI bus is meant for them if it is pulled LOW.
If you have the CS pin tied to GND, which makes it always LOW, it accepts all data sent to it.
And that can create all kinds of funny behaviour.
Of course you need to control that CS pin by your software too.

BTW: Hi and welcome.