Hello there,
Recently i purchased TFT display shield for Arduino uno and and when i tried to use it it doesn't works it only shows me white screen and I read many other articles and used n numbers of various techniques and Libraries to make it run now i m fed up with it and from where i bought it the supplier is not ready to replace it and it's giving the Read I'd as 1010 in hex and 4112 in binary format sometimes it also gives 00 as I'd
I used mcu friend library also and also changed its source codes with almost every library
Can anyone help to fix these issues
And I also tried it with esp32 but it doesn't work
And one more thing is that when it runs the slightly there is a flicker in white screen only like it's that it's working fine but there is no colour in it
Please provide a link to where you bought it, or a picture of the backside. Else nobody can help you.
First, identify the display. There are tons of different display shields, without more specific details we can't do much.
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