TFT LCD - UNO R3 RTC DS3231 for Pi


I am struggling to get the time displayed on TFT.

3.3 -> + of DS3231
GND -> - of DS3231
SDA -> D of DS3231
SLC -> C of DS3231

TFT shield on top of UNO [ soldered ectra header pins to connect DS3231

Result - The screen is White

Problem area -

 if ( {
    Serial.print("Ok, Time = ");

If the above is commented, the TFT doisplays the patterns/designs.

Note: I am writing to serial monitor for testing, but final version is to write on TFT.

Can anyone help sort this issue. thanks

Full Code

// All the UNO shields have the same pinout.
// i.e. control pins A0-A4.  Data D2-D9.  microSD D10-D13.
// Touchscreens are normally A1, A2, D7, D6 but the order varies
// This demo should work with most Adafruit TFT libraries
// If you are not using a shield,  use a full Adafruit constructor()
// e.g. Adafruit_TFTLCD tft(LCD_CS, LCD_CD, LCD_WR, LCD_RD, LCD_RESET);

#define LCD_CS A3 // Chip Select goes to Analog 3
#define LCD_CD A2 // Command/Data goes to Analog 2
#define LCD_WR A1 // LCD Write goes to Analog 1
#define LCD_RD A0 // LCD Read goes to Analog 0
#define LCD_RESET A4 // Can alternately just connect to Arduino's reset pin
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <SPI.h>          // f.k. for Arduino-1.5.2
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"// Hardware-specific library
#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>
MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;
//#include <Adafruit_TFTLCD.h>

// Assign human-readable names to some common 16-bit color values:
#define  BLACK   0x0000
#define BLUE    0x001F
#define RED     0xF800
#define GREEN   0x07E0
#define CYAN    0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW  0xFFE0
#define WHITE   0xFFFF

#ifndef min
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

void setup(void);
void loop(void);
unsigned long testFillScreen();
unsigned long testText();
unsigned long testLines(uint16_t color);
unsigned long testFastLines(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2);

void progmemPrint(const char *str);
void progmemPrintln(const char *str);

uint16_t g_identifier;

extern const uint8_t hanzi[];
void showhanzi(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned char index)
    uint8_t i, j, c, first = 1;
    uint8_t *temp = (uint8_t*)hanzi;
    uint16_t color;
    tft.setAddrWindow(x, y, x + 31, y + 31); //设置区域
    temp += index * 128;
    for (j = 0; j < 128; j++)
        c = pgm_read_byte(temp);
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if ((c & (1 << i)) != 0)
                color = RED;
                color = BLACK;
            tft.pushColors(&color, 1, first);
            first = 0;

void setup(void) {
    uint32_t when = millis();
    //    while (!Serial) ;   //hangs a Leonardo until you connect a Serial
    if (!Serial) delay(5000);           //allow some time for Leonardo
    Serial.println("Serial took " + String((millis() - when)) + "ms to start");
    //    tft.reset();                 //hardware reset
    uint16_t ID = tft.readID(); //
    Serial.print("ID = 0x");
    Serial.println(ID, HEX);
    if (ID == 0xD3D3) ID = 0x9481; // write-only shield
//    ID = 0x9329;                             // force ID

#if defined(MCUFRIEND_KBV_H_)
uint16_t scrollbuf[320];    // my biggest screen is 320x480
#define READGRAM(x, y, buf, w, h)  tft.readGRAM(x, y, buf, w, h)
uint16_t scrollbuf[320];    // Adafruit only does 240x320
// Adafruit can read a block by one pixel at a time
int16_t  READGRAM(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t *block, int16_t w, int16_t h)
    uint16_t *p;
    for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {
        p = block + row * w;
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col++) {
            *p++ = tft.readPixel(x + col, y + row);

void windowScroll(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t wid, int16_t ht, int16_t dx, int16_t dy, uint16_t *buf)
    if (dx) for (int16_t row = 0; row < ht; row++) {
            READGRAM(x, y + row, buf, wid, 1);
            tft.setAddrWindow(x, y + row, x + wid - 1, y + row);
            tft.pushColors(buf + dx, wid - dx, 1);
            tft.pushColors(buf + 0, dx, 0);
    if (dy) for (int16_t col = 0; col < wid; col++) {
            READGRAM(x + col, y, buf, 1, ht);
            tft.setAddrWindow(x + col, y, x + col, y + ht - 1);
            tft.pushColors(buf + dy, ht - dy, 1);
            tft.pushColors(buf + 0, dy, 0);

void printmsg(int row, const char *msg)
    tft.setTextColor(YELLOW, BLACK);
    tft.setCursor(0, row);

typedef struct {
    PGM_P msg;
    uint32_t ms;
TEST result[12];

#define RUNTEST(n, str, test) { result[n].msg = PSTR(str); result[n].ms = test; delay(500); }

// Standard Adafruit tests.  will adjust to screen size

unsigned long testFillScreen() {
    unsigned long start = micros();
    return micros() - start;

unsigned long testText() {
    unsigned long start;
    start = micros();
    tft.setCursor(0, 0);
    tft.setTextColor(WHITE);  tft.setTextSize(1);
    tft.println("Hello World!");
    tft.setTextColor(YELLOW); tft.setTextSize(2);
    tft.setTextColor(RED);    tft.setTextSize(3);
    tft.println(0xDEADBEEF, HEX);
    tft.println("I implore thee,");
   tmElements_t tm;

  if ( {
    Serial.print("Ok, Time = ");
//    print2digits(tm.Hour);
//    Serial.write(':');
//    print2digits(tm.Minute);
//    Serial.write(':');
//    print2digits(tm.Second);
//    Serial.print(", Date (D/M/Y) = ");
//    Serial.print(tm.Day);
//    Serial.write('/');
//    Serial.print(tm.Month);
//    Serial.write('/');
//    Serial.print(tmYearToCalendar(tm.Year));
//    Serial.println();
//  } else {
//    if (RTC.chipPresent()) {
//      Serial.println("The DS1307 is stopped.  Please run the SetTime");
//      Serial.println("example to initialize the time and begin running.");
//      Serial.println();
//    } else {
//      Serial.println("DS1307 read error!  Please check the circuitry.");
//      Serial.println();
//    }
//    delay(9000);
//    tft.fillScreen(BLACK);
//      tft.setTextSize(5);
//    tft.println("Groop");

    return micros() - start;

void print2digits(int number) {
  if (number >= 0 && number < 10) {

void loop(void) {
    uint8_t aspect;
    uint16_t pixel;
    const char *aspectname[] = {
    const char *colorname[] = { "BLUE", "GREEN", "RED", "GRAY" };
    uint16_t colormask[] = { 0x001F, 0x07E0, 0xF800, 0xFFFF };
    uint16_t dx, rgb, n, wid, ht, msglin;

    if (tft.height() > 64) {
        for (uint8_t cnt = 0; cnt < 1; cnt++) {
            aspect = (cnt + 0) & 3;
            wid = tft.width();
            ht = tft.height();
            msglin = (ht > 160) ? 200 : 112;



On most LCD screens there is a pot for setting the contrast. Does Your TFT LCD have that pot and have You tried it? Give it some text before testing.

Hi, I was able to test normal text using the example. I use MCUFRIEND and it works. The problem is only when I integrate DS3231 RTC.

To avoid conflict, I move RTC to use SDA and SLC as the TFT shield is taking A0 to A6 + other pins, but still it doesnt work.

Only If I do - if ( {..} ...display is white

I suspect this to do with reset etc or pins conflict...but I dont know how to solve

[tested both skecthes individually, and they work...but goal is to display the time]

In I2C A4 and A5 are used as SDA resp. SCL. Use other pins for the display.

I will try your suggestion again

Earlier I was able to bend the UNO header pins A4 and A5, to avoid contact and usage by TFT display [its a shield on top and covers all pins) + connected DS3231 to SDA and SCL pins, and the time was displayed in serial monitor. I think the display was white screen

Do You have a link to that TFT LCD and its shield?

Okey, now I got it. You ran the display on only A0, A1, A2 and A3. Then the display is unhappy.......

On an UNO You also find SDA and SCL among the last contacts near the USB connector, but A4 and A5 can't still be used or connected to any other device.