TFT_320QVT variants


New to this forum. Been using Optrex 128x64 monochrome displays for years, using my own fonts and graphic routines. It is time for a change...

Been exploring the 320x240 touch screen color displays that are relatively inexpensive and very nice!
A product I bought has one and it performs very well.

I ordered some that look absolutely identical to the one in my unit, some with 2.4" and some with 3.4"
sizes. The connectors and pin descriptions are identical to the one in my unit. NONE of them come
up and work!

So, contacted the firmware author and he told me the firmware is supposed to recognize at least a
couple different controller chips, but mine does not seem to do that.

So, if someone can point me to some data sheets for a couple of these different controllers I would appreciate it, OR offer some advice.

I think I read somewhere that these LCD modules can do SPI or parallel. The old Optrex is SPI.

BTW I use C not C++

I also believe there could be problems using a 5V module on a 3.3V system, how do I tell the difference?

If I could get the wiring for an SPI interface and the init for the chip, I could do this without too much trouble...

TIA !!!

Glen K4KV

So if it is a TFT_320QVT then it is not 2.4" or 3.4" it is 3.2" :wink: and the controller would be SSD1289, datasheet here :-

It is a parallel device and operates from 3.3V.

This is what a TFT_320QVT looks like :- :stuck_out_tongue:




Thanks for the response. I have some small screens that look like the original 3.2" and
have the same connector.

The ones I just got from China are labeled TFT_320QVT_9341 presumably these have the
ILI9341 controller chip.

I really have no idea which controller my original 3.2" touch lcd has...

I would prefer to use the spi interface because I have been designing a board with a 64-pin
processor and 40-pin lcd connector, and space is a premium with the 16-bit parallel interface.

Glen K4KV

If you have bought a 3.3V 16-bit parallel display, it is extremely unlikely that you can access the IMn pins that select the interface style. And you need an Adapter shield to plug into a Mega2560 or Due.

If you want to use SPI, buy a module that is already configured for SPI.
