The interrupt

I have a problem, SOS~~I don't know why the program doesn't work? Oh, the arduino is mega r3

int ledPin=13;
int sensorPin=2;
volatile boolean flag=0;

void setup(){
sei ();
//enable INT0
//clear existing flags
EICRA &=~3;
void loop()

what do you expect? - we don't know what it should do -
what does it do?
what have you tried so far?

Why aren't you using attachInterrupt()?

what do you expect? - we don't know what it should do -
what does it do?
what have you tried so far?

oh~~sorry,it's my mistake. I want to let the program into the interrupt,then light on the led. But, the led is not light on now.

Why aren't you using attachInterrupt()?

I want to learn how the interrupt works inside .


That looks like an O rather than a 0...



That looks like an O rather than a 0...

It's the number zero but the O, I still can not enter the interrupt function.Why???

I still can not enter the interrupt function.Why???

Do you KNOW that using attachInterrupt(), using the same function (contents) actually works? The question is what problem are you trying to solve? You may have more than one.


I still can not enter the interrupt function.Why???

Do you KNOW that using attachInterrupt(), using the same function (contents) actually works? The question is what problem are you trying to solve? You may have more than one.

It's no problem to use the attachInterrupt().....