The LoRa module that can be used on MKR Zero

Hi all,

Does anyone know which LoRa module can be used on MKR Zero board? I am doing a project of designing a LoRa sender which can stay at sleep mode for the most time and wake up periodically to send the data.

The module I am using now is RFM95W, and the code is found from online when I use the command of


The board cannot wake up from sleep mode (standby mode), I guess the problem is choosing a wrong module?

I was stuck in this problem for a long time. Please does anyone have some experience about using MKR Zero board to design a LoRa sender?

I also found that MKR WAN 1300 has a built-in LoRa function, however, I will need to add a Bluetooth module to the board later. Is MKR WAN 1300 capable of using the Bluetooth? Do I have to change to MKR WAN 1300?