The menu line is missing and Ctrl+Shift+P freezes the application

I am running Arch Linux, with KDE plasma (X11).
When I start IDE 2.3.2 from the command line, or from the KDE launcher, the Arduino IDE starts, but the menu line is missing. If I hit Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P, the application freezes: the window doesn't respond to any mouse or keyboard input, and I have to kill it.

When I start Arduino IDE by executing 'arduino-ide_2.3.2_Linux_64bit.AppImage', I do have the menu line, and Ctrl+Shift+P works as expected.

What should I do to get the installed version to work?

This is what I get on stderr:

Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Error: App version is not a valid semver version: "0.0"
    at t.newError (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:63605)
    at new v (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:73215)
    at new n (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:81847)
    at new p (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:70215)
    at Object.get [as autoUpdater] (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:112930)
    at new u (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:2:56794)
    at Ee (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:616577)
    at /usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:620554
    at Le (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:620623)
    at /usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/electron-main.js:8:621010 {
2024-08-25T23:34:32.463Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/home/come/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
2024-08-25T23:34:32.463Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/home/come/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
WebContents #1 called ipcRenderer.sendSync() with 'GetSecurityToken' channel without listeners.
Error occurred in handler for 'GetTitleStyleAtStartup': Error: No handler registered for 'GetTitleStyleAtStartup'
    at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:79778)
    at WebContents.emit (node:events:514:28)
2024-08-25T23:35:02.816Z root WARN Frontend a.configure took longer than the expected maximum 100 milliseconds: 193.1 ms [Finished 30.309 s after frontend start]
2024-08-25T23:35:02.818Z root WARN A command editor.action.toggleStickyScroll is already registered.
2024-08-25T23:35:02.825Z sketches-service WARN Warning! The request sketch path was different than the response sketch path from the CLI. This could be a potential bug. Request: </home/come/git/astrocad/arduino/focuser/focuser.ino>, response: </home/come/git/astrocad/arduino/focuser>.
Error occurred in handler for 'GetTitleStyleAtStartup': Error: No handler registered for 'GetTitleStyleAtStartup'
    at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:79778)
    at WebContents.emit (node:events:514:28)
2024-08-25T23:35:03.874Z root WARN 'cpp' language is remapped from 'source.cpp.embedded.macro' to 'source.cpp' scope
2024-08-25T23:35:03.874Z root WARN a registered grammar configuration for 'cpp' language is overridden
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.armToolchainPath.linux as cortex-debug.armToolchainPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.armToolchainPath.osx as cortex-debug.armToolchainPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.armToolchainPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath.linux as cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath.osx as cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.openocdPath.linux as cortex-debug.openocdPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.openocdPath.osx as cortex-debug.openocdPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.openocdPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.pyocdPath.linux as cortex-debug.pyocdPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.pyocdPath.osx as cortex-debug.pyocdPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.090Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.pyocdPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.PEGDBServerPath.linux as cortex-debug.PEGDBServerPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.PEGDBServerPath.osx as cortex-debug.PEGDBServerPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.PEGDBServerPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.stutilPath.linux as cortex-debug.stutilPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.stutilPath.osx as cortex-debug.stutilPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.091Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.stutilPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.stlinkPath.linux as cortex-debug.stlinkPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.stlinkPath.osx as cortex-debug.stlinkPath is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.stlinkPath is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.091Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.stm32cubeprogrammer.linux as cortex-debug.stm32cubeprogrammer is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring cortex-debug.stm32cubeprogrammer.osx as cortex-debug.stm32cubeprogrammer is null
Conflict in settings file Default: Ignoring as cortex-debug.stm32cubeprogrammer is null
2024-08-25T23:35:04.297Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] ApplicationInsights:CorrelationIdManager [
  Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
      at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1495:16) {
    errno: -111,
    code: 'ECONNREFUSED',
    syscall: 'connect',
    address: '',
    port: 443
Error occurred in handler for 'AttachSecurityToken': Error: No handler registered for 'AttachSecurityToken'
    at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:79778)
    at WebContents.emit (node:events:514:28)
Error occurred in handler for 'Arduino:IsFirstWindow': Error: No handler registered for 'Arduino:IsFirstWindow'
    at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:79778)
    at WebContents.emit (node:events:514:28)
2024-08-25T23:35:04.863Z root WARN Linked preference "workbench.colorCustomizations" not found.
2024-08-25T23:35:04.966Z root ERROR Failed to get debug config: arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328, undefined Error: Debugging is not supported.
    at Object.callback (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:81196)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:788562)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:784513)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:783958)
    at /usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:870080
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11)
2024-08-25T23:35:04.966Z root ERROR Request checkDebugEnabled failed with error: Debugging is not supported. Error: Debugging is not supported.
    at Object.callback (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:81196)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:788562)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:784513)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (/usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:783958)
    at /usr/lib/arduino-ide/lib/backend/main.js:2:870080
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11)
2024-08-25T23:35:05.347Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] Promise rejection not handled in one second: Error: Error invoking remote method 'AttachSecurityToken': Error: No handler registered for 'AttachSecurityToken' , reason: Error: Error invoking remote method 'AttachSecurityToken': Error: No handler registered for 'AttachSecurityToken'
2024-08-25T23:35:05.347Z root ERROR [hosted-plugin: 13486] With stack trace: Error: Error invoking remote method 'AttachSecurityToken': Error: No handler registered for 'AttachSecurityToken'
2024-08-25T23:35:07.051Z root WARN Widget was activated, but did not accept focus after 2000ms: serial-monitor

Ctl-shift -P is supposed to bring up the Command Palette I think, but not 100% sure as I drive a Mac and there it's Shift-Command-P. As far as the rest, it looks like a botched install.

I had exactly the same problem in Arch Linux and I solved it uninstalling arduino-ide and installing arduino-ide-bin from the AUR

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