I suggest that the next UNO will contain the following:
1> A way to burn the boot loader on a blank ATMega .
2> Several seven segments on board for experimenting and debugging .
3> all needed for shield connections.
4> Zif socket .
5> Several mini potentiometers for analog inputs .
The board will be in the right length and width for all this .
Adding a ZIF socket, 7 segment displays (and presumably driver circuitry), and trimmer or small thumbwheel pots would significantly increase the Uno's price.
Most of those would require more boad space and probably interfere with the use of I/O pins. Better to be put on a shield as not all designs need them. Keep the Arduino clean and simple to interface with. And a ZIF socket is just TOO BIG. Those functions can go on a simple shield, and would be a good first project for and Arduino noob.
I'm sorry but with the exception of #1 I don't see these suggestions adding significant value. Nor would I expect them be integrated into a board intended to appeal to a large audience.
1> A way to burn the boot loader on a blank ATMega .
This would be interesting if the on-board 16u2 could be jumpered or something. However, I'm not sure the added complexity is worth it.
2> Several seven segments on board for experimenting and debugging .
I don't think this would appeal to a wide audience. Serial prints are far more effective and add no parts cost to the board. 7-segments aren't cheap in terms of cost or hardware resources. How would they be connected? Lots of trade odds for a feature few people have requested.
3> all needed for shield connections.
All what?
4> Zif socket
I think the size and cost of a ZIF socket isn't worth it. In the 3+ years I've been working on Arduino projects, I've only changed the chip a couple of times. Depending on volume, I have seen ZIF sockets that cost more than the current Uno. It isn't a small up charge.
5> Several mini potentiometers for analog inputs .
Again, this adds cost and complexity while only appealing to a small number of users.
I think what elico is suggesting is similar to the many processor evaluation boards around and as such I like the idea (maybe with provision for a bread board as well).
That said, every time I look at EVBs I find that they have too many things I don't want and not enough of what I do want, so it's probably near impossible to get the right mix of features.
After watching the video about the making of Arduino, it seemed to me that the developers were trying to make something that could be used in schools/universities, which was cheaper than the other evaluation boards around (which were around $100). Remember if you have to buy 100 of them to outfit a classroom, the difference between $100 each and $30 each becomes quite large. It might be the difference between having your proposal to teach microprocessors rejected, rather than accepted.
Also, in practice, whatever you put on the board, either probably won't be needed, or there won't be enough of them. Put on one potentiometer? Someone will need two. Put on a 4-digit LED? Someone will need 6. Or none.
The idea of making a pretty "bare" board with provision for shields to plug in, seems to me to allow for expansion in all sorts of directions. Plus you can just run patch cables to a breadboard if you don't have the right shield to hand.
Come up with some better requirements:
What size 7-segment displays, (such as 0.56"),
What size buttons (such as 6mm x 6mm),
What size pots (such as ...)
How many of each?
Are the pins for those to be dedicated? Selected with user installed jumpers, or perhaps a DIP switch?
USB interface needed?
Does it need maintain Arduino shield compatibility?
"> A way to burn the boot loader on a blank ATMega" under an external PC control?
What you want is generally not difficult to do.
The bootloader has to be loaded on something (such as flash in a second smaller uC that can act as an external PC) by someone (such as the "factory") to be available for downloading into a part (blank or otherwise) by driving the SPI/reset lines when a jumper/switch is selected at reset or similar.
I would suggest a header pins version , meaning that the UNO will have down beneath header pins
for connecting to outer world components in a bread board or some vero board instead of the cable pins
that are good for shields but not so good for integrating in a project that needs further
components connected to the UNO .
I'm with JimLee: there have been lots of AVR development boards before and after Arduino, with lots of additional features. For one reason or another, none has received the acceptance of the Arduino. Prior to Arduino, the "AVR Butterfly" was probably the closest thing; there were a bunch of nice tutorials written about it. But when you look at trying to use it beyond the tutorials, it turns out that nearly all the pins are already connected to something, making it a bit of a pain to use.
Just leave the connectors out and people can solder in what they want.
gigantic USB port
WHY oh WHY do they still use that stupid socket? Some people say for backwards compatibility, just buy a new bloody cable for $2 (as if we don't all have a 100 spare USB cables anyway).