I have successfully modified the regular servo motor into a continuous servo motor (by following the tutorial on the internet, I removed the potentiometer and I replaced it with 2k2 ohm resistor).
I need a continous servo motor because it is easier to control with ON-OFF using EMG muscle sensor. Instead of a potentiometer, I use a piezoelectric disc as feedback to stop the motor at a certain position.
At first my experiment was successful, the modified continous servo motor successfully calibrated to stop by entering the number on servowrite (). But after the motor moves for a while, and the motor starts to warm up, suddenly the motor can not stop.
After I review with the code for motor calibration then I find the number to stop the motor on servowrite () changed (from the original 101 to 97). I suspect this is a result of the motor being hot and the resistor getting hot, so the resistor value is changed.
There is a solution to avoid this (without having to buy an original continous servo motor)?
Thank you very much.