I used the " 3-axis accelerometer(ADXL330) " connection to XBee1 use ADC mode , and XBee1 will sent data to XBee2 .
The XBee2 connection to Arduino , and the Arduino use USB transmission line connection to PC .
Originally two XBee setting are : (XBee1: DL=0x1234 , MY=0x5678 , D0=D1=D2=2 , IR=0x14 , IT=5) and (XBee2: DL=0x5678 , MY=0x1234 , P0=P1=2 , IU=1 , IA=0xFFFF)
Now I set XBee1 IR = 1 , IT = 1 or E , because I want receive more data in one second .
The problem is following :
Sometimes I received the packets would be loss or I received some packets after few seconds .
For example :
( When IR=1 )
baud rate 9600 IT=1 ( It means I would received 1 3-axis xyz data , so the packets length is 18 bytes . )
About 9 seconds send 4~5 packets ( About received 3~4 is received complete , other packets is fail or loss . )
9600 IT=E ( It means I would received 14 3-axis xyz data , so the packets length is 96 bytes . )
About 9 seconds send 1 packet ( Only odd packets is received complete , other packets is fail or loss . )
115200 IT=1 ( It means I would received 1 3-axis xyz data , so the packets length is 18 bytes . )
About 1 second send 30 packets ( About half packets is received complete , other packets is fail or loss . )
115200 IT=E ( It means I would received 14 3-axis xyz data , so the packets length is 96 bytes . )
About 1 seconds send 10 packets ( Only odd packets is received complete , other packets is fail or loss .)
When I improve baud rate to the highest(115200) , it's the same situation .
So , is it possible to receive about 200~300 packets in one second ?
Because I can received the highest about 30 packets in one second now .
If this is possible , who can tell me what can I do or change the receive program ? ( The program is in the attachments . )
If anyone have any problem in this topic , welcome to reply to me .
Thank you .
receive1.ino (938 Bytes)