The systematic way to compare, study the libraries required for

I am working on a project to store the gas sensor values into MySQL database using Wemos D1 mini. How searched through google and I found libraries like

  • MySQL_connection.h: Probably works only with Arduino boards because even after making changes to code I cant compile it for Wemos D1 mini which is a ESP8266 variant board.

  • ESP8266WiFi.h: I uploaded the most basic program to connect the board to WiFi and then,
    exit status 1
    Error compiling for board WeMos D1 R1.

and many more..... I think the real issue is that I do not know the systematic approach to find the libraries. Although I searched the google for libraries very specifi to my needs, I hanen't yet found working libraries for my board.

Help me please. :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

Post the sketches that will not compile. Also links to where you downloaded the libraries and example sketches from. Read the forum guide in the sticky post first, so you know how to post code and links properly.

Error compiling for board WeMos D1 R1.

I'm quite sure that it says a lot more than that. If you get an error in the IDE, clock the copy error message button at the right top of the output window and post it here.