Alright, I'm gonna be frank here, I have next to no knowledge on the arduino platform. I recently began gathering information on general programming (learning basic C++ and Python) with the goal of putting together a laser tag system for me and my friends to enjoy. Problem is, I'm not simply looking to put together a dinky point, shoot, die sort of game, I'm looking for the real deal. Time and money spent really aren't issues to me, but I am curious at the feasibility and relative difficulty of an IR system that includes these features:
Hit points - most games use a one hit and done format but I want it to be hit point based, with different values set to different sensors on the body (headshots worth more than chest, arms etc.)
Distance tracking - The farther away a shot is fired from, the less hit points deducted.
Respawn zones - Instead of being knocked out for a set period of time, I would like to be able to retreat to safe zones that I can set up to revive a player.
Customization and Leveling - The biggie. I'd like to be able to have the guns be "logged into" via magstripe cards or RFID, which then changes the properties of the gun based on settings in a separate computer based program. This would allow changes in rate of fire, laser power, reload speed etc. based on the level and individual settings of a player. I'd also like "special abilities" to be allowed, where a player can preset 4 buttons on the gun to do different things (Think of passive vs. active abilities in RPG's).
I've done an absolutely horrid job in explaining this I know, and left out many other features I would like to include, but any help would be appreciated, even if it's just a jumping off point. Most of you will probably recommend that I get familiar with the Arduino platform before I try and tackle such a hefty project, but I want to use this project as my gateway into the programming sphere, correcting mistakes and discovering as I go.