Thermometer - wrong temperature reading - help

Hello all,
i have a totally wrong reading on my simple thermometer, following the wires and results.

float temp;
int tempPin = 0;

void setup()

void loop()
 temp = analogRead(tempPin);
 temp = temp * 0.48828125;

Images attached

My readings are all above 450+ instead of ~20°C

Is it wrong?
Thank You



Please read and follow the directions in "how to use this forum". Few people will download from a site.


int tempPin = A0;

instead of

int tempPin = 0;

I'm using a Dallas DS18B20,

with A0 or 0 i get the same result

The code you have is not intended to read the DS18B20. You will need a library for that, or follow this Hacktronix tutorial.

I'm using a Dallas DS18B20,

with A0 or 0 i get the same result

Your pic shows a TMP36 and your code reads an analog input, hence my suggestion