this is how i attempted to save my analog data XD

i have an arducam, NTSC output (60Hz ithink).

figured, it's analog, why not input the signal to my sound recorder program on laptop and save via mp3/wma file.

saved it.. sounds like it's outputting stuff when playing the file back to a speaker, but when i hook it up to the AV behind my flatscreen, shows as no signal.

feasibility issue?


saved it.. sounds like it's outputting stuff when playing the file back to a speaker, but when i hook it up to the AV behind my flatscreen, shows as no signal.

Ah, the AV behind your flatscreen eh? What colour is it?

r u referring to the color of the jack? (yellow-green)

when i hook up the camera directly to the screen it works fine.

First, what has any of this got to do with an Arduino ?
Arduinos can't process video.

Second, thirty seconds of serious though would tell you that a sound recorder could not possibly capture the high frequencies essential for a TV image. Why do you you think VHS recorders are so much more complex?


feasibility issue?



Lack of bandwidth. An audio signal takes up 40KHz, a video signal needs 5,000 KHz

Bandwidth is how fast a signal changes, it changes about 5000 times faster on a video signal than for a sound signal.