Thread about youtube counter disappeared? (topic=501236.0)
it was valid
ESP8266 YouTube subs counter - Data API v3 + JSON
it was valid
As far as I can tell it is an advertisement for an advertisement for a $200 clock.
And folk here can only afford $2 clocks.
it was a question how to build one
is there any code so that i can sign up with any website or other social networking sites?
...was the only question. Nothing in there about building one.
I interpret that as a request for code to automatically sign up for any website; as in a request for hacking code.
social networking sites have APIs.
why would he ask on Arduino forum a if he doesn't want to build it?
suppose good intentions, unless proved otherwise.
it can be some kid, which found a motivation to build something and you stopped him
why would he ask on Arduino forum a if he doesn't want to build it?
I explained earlier. Please try to pay attention.
you stopped him
Nothing prevents the user from creating a second, less spammy, post.
Nothing prevents the user from advocating for the post to be restored.
Removing a single post does not rise to the level of "stop". Please try to use words correctly.
suppose good intentions, unless proved otherwise
Physician, heal thyself. I was not the one who removed the post so accusing me of "stopping him" is unfounded.