I dont know why the creator of library for use LCD used pins 2,3,4,5 for data and he used 11 12 for control when he can used 6 and 7. Are someone explication, or is only his chose or there are some reason more important?
Excuse me for my bad english
There are other question that I did in spanish fórum and anybody give me a solution.
I have two LCD that dont work when others work good with same configuration and program
Displays that dont work are new and is
Crystal clear technology
C220x2 20 caracters y 2 línes
I have two complitly news . If I conect to 5 V and put my finger in data and control pins there are noise in the LCD, I think that it is OK, but dont work with arduino and with Hello World program, With others displays diferent work good with same program and arduino, only changing LCD .
Where can be the problema?
Third question is about one graphics LCD
I have 5 of this, it is
Where can I found library for this displays?
Thank you very much for all and excuse me again for my english, I tried post in spanish fórum but there arent solution.