Throuble with EMI Noise

Hi im working in a new proyect and have relay module conected to 5V of arduino, this relay activate another 220 coil of other relay, and have an inverter board and hi-voltage transformer for ozone generation, use TFT module, DS1307 and relay module. But some time 1 of 100 times this action tilt the touch or all screen, and dont respond to the touch. Some body hace idea if can fix this or will need reaplace it for industrial HMI ? thanks i test using RS snubber in relay with varistor, and try with 1uf cap in the input but only reduce to 1 of 100 times, i dont know if change to diferent supply can fix it.
Thanks for all.

Do your relay coils have flyback diodes?

A circuit diagram would be very handy.

Some other suggestions to reduce EMI:

  • Increase the distance from your Arduino to the relays / relay circuit and transformers
  • Use a suitable MOV across the switched primary of the transformer
  • Put the relay circuit in an EMI/RFI shielded enclosure
  • Use a zero-crossing type SSR(s) for your relay(s)
  • Use separate power supply for your relay(s) with isolated ground and control