tilt-compensated compass (MPU6050 / HMC5883L)

Hello All,

I'm trying to built a tilt-compensated compass by use a 10DOF-Module with MPU6050 / HMC5883L / BMP180.
I woult like to get an angle 0-360 Degrees tilt compensated.

I had found some code on the internet with other sensormodules, but I'm not able to convert it to my sensors.

I would be happy for your help :slight_smile:


Did you see this? (several tutorials)

The general theory is very clearly and completely described here: : http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN4248.pdf and the corresponding C code can be downloaded from the Freescale site.

However, to adapt other people's code, you first need to be able to read the 3 accelerometer and 3 magnetometer outputs of your sensor. If you cannot do that already, then that is where to start.