Im making some cool stuff and I requiere of Time and TimeAlarms Lib.
I open the example of Time "Serial Date Strings" Try to complie and get this;
"TimeSerialDateStrings.pde:9:20: fatal error: Time.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error de compilación"
I open the TimeAlarms example "TimeAlarmsExample" try to compile it and get this;
"TimeAlarmExample.pde:14:18: fatal error: Time.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error de compilación"
So there is an error on the lib, I went to the source in github;
And there are these 3 files;
All them with the label: "Fix for includes with Arduino 1.6.6"
I assume I must download them and change the current ones for this, however I dont have a button to do so... Or they are currently on the lib allready?
In that case why this dont work?
I have the library instaled manually on;
This one has allready three folders on it;
In the released notes says this one is from;
Updated 12/12/2012:
TimeAlarms aupdated for Arduino 1.0
TimeNtp example sketch updated for 1.0
So Im also making the asumption this is not the most newest release from the lib.
¿How can I install this Lib to work properly to the IDE 1.6.5 ??
It seems like the Time has already come with the alarms and rtc1307 handling, but It dont complile.
Thanks in advance.