TimeAlarms library: Alarm every minute on the minute


I was playing around with the TimeAlarms library and I couldn't find a simple way of making an alarm which fires every minute on the minute.

Alarm.timerRepeat(60, function);

fires every minute but that could be 10:01:10 -> 10:02:10 etc....
Solution I can come up with is making an alarm that fires only once at the nearest full minute and have that alarm create a new timerRepeat alarm set for every 60 seconds.

Although I think it will work I wonder if there would be an easier/cleaner method? Or am I being picky and should I just enyoj coding my suggested solution :slight_smile:

Do you REALLY need a timer to do something once a minute, when the seconds value is zero?

How would your Arduino know what the time actually is, unless you correct it, either manually (push-buttons) or GPS, NTP, WWVB etc.?