I'm just trying to understand the way that the Arduino (and ATmega) handles timer interrupts, with a view to using one in a project in the near future. I have been looking at the Timer1 library, cross-referencing to the ATMega168/328P data-sheet, in order to get an understanding of a working example.
However, I've come across something where I can't get the same results as are given on the Timer1 page on the playground Arduino Playground - HomePage. When I calculate the maximum period for any value of the prescaler, I always get half the value given on this wiki page.
The formula the author has stated for obtaining the maximum period is
Max Period = (Prescale)(1/Frequency)(2^17)
- why is this 2^17? From my understanding Timer1 is a 16-bit timer and therefore there would be a maximum value for the register of 2^16 - 1, thus causing overflow (and so, the timer interrupt to trigger) at 2^16.
Am I missing something here?