Timer, load cell and display

I'm looking for suggestions for a project that will turn an led on/off. I would like to set a timer using a potentiometer and an LCD screen to display the time, then use a button the to start the timer. I also would like to add another potentiometer to set a desired weight, using a load cell, once the weight is reached or the timer is expired I would like the LED to turn off.

The components I have for this project are:
Arduino Uno
5kg load cell
Lcd display with keypad

Looking for some advice on programing this project, and the best ways to set something like this up.


You can find many examples with the INA125P, but often the HX711 from Ebay is used now for load cells.

Can you make a schematic ? So we can have a look at it.
You can try 'Eagle', it is not easy to understand, but it is worth it to learn how to use it. Or you can draw it on a paper and make photo of it.

Test everything on its own. Try to make the lcd work. Make another sketch to show the value of the potentionmeter to the serial monitor, and so on. When everything is okay, you can combine it in a sketch.