I am working on a project which sends and receives multiple data over bluetooth with the hc-05 bluetooth module and a phone app I made with MIT app inventor. I think the problem is with my arduino code.
int last_time = 0;
bool first_time = true;
void loop()
if(first_time == true || (millis() - last_time) >= 5000 ){ //waits five seconds and runs instantly if this is the first time the statement is running
SendData(); //sends the data
last_time = millis(); //sets lasttime to millis
first_time = false; //it already ran once so I set the bool false in order to control only with the millis() last time part
I think this is the problematic part, after a while it ignores the millis() - last_time control and just runs the code inside without delay
here is the full code if needed:
//temperature and moisture values
float temp_1 = 1;
float moist_1 = 2;
float temp_2 = 3;
float moist_2 = 4;
float temp_3 = 5;
float moist_3 = 6;
int motor_speed; //sets the main motor speed
int servo_pos; //sets the servo position
bool first_time = true; //explained further ahead
String BT_input; // to store input character received via BT.
String BT_input2; //to get the first word from the input
int last_time = 0;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //default baud rate of module
while (!Serial)
// wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
void loop()
if(first_time == true || (millis() - last_time) >= 5000 ){ //waits five seconds and runs instantly if this is the first time the statement is running
SendData(); //sends the data
last_time = millis(); //sets lasttime to millis
first_time = false; //it already ran once so I set the bool false in order to control only with the millis() last time part
void TakeBluetoothInput(){
if (Serial.available())
BT_input = Serial.readString(); // read input string from phone
BT_input2 = getValue(BT_input, ' ', 0); // set a string to the first word from input
if(BT_input2 == "Motor"){ //Check if the first word is Motor
motor_speed = getValue(BT_input, ' ', 3).toInt(); // If it is, then we check the set the motor speed to the received value
else if(BT_input == "Open Water"){ //if the first word isn't water, we check if the whole input is "Open Water"
servo_pos = 0; // if it is set the servo pos to 0 to open the water
else if(BT_input == "Close Water"){ //if the input is close water
servo_pos = 180; //we set the servo pos to 180 to close the water
else{} //if there is another input we ignore it
void SendData(){ //sends the temp and moisture values
String getValue(String data, char separator, int index) //gets the desired item with index from the string after splitting it by a delimeter
int found = 0;
int strIndex[] = { 0, -1 };
int maxIndex = data.length() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found <= index; i++) {
if (data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) {
strIndex[0] = strIndex[1] + 1;
strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i+1 : i;
return found > index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : "";