I am trying to set up Timer1 in CTC with a rate of 500Hz:
// controlling pins A=pin9. B=pin10
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //
TCCR1A &= (unsigned char)~0b11110011; // zeros are reserved bits
// TCCR1A |= 0b00; // WGM1[1,0] = 0b00, with WGM1[3,2]=01 for CTC; WGM1[3]=0 i/p
TCCR1A |= 0b11100000; // COM1A[1,0]= TCCR1A[7.6]=10; COM1B[1,0]= TCCR1A[5,4]=10 ; clear on match
// COM1A[1,0]= 1 ; inv-output // normal DIO
// TCCR1B[7,6] : input capture only, noise filter , edge detection. [5] reserved
// NB only on 16b counter cf force comp on 8b
TCCR1B &= ~0b11111;
TCCR1B |= 0b01101; // 01101: WGM2[3,2]=01 + "div 1024" -> 16kHz tick: OCR1A sets count ...
OCR1A = 16; // set cycle length = 16kHz /16/2 = circa 1/2 kHz
338: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
33a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
33c: 90 93 89 00 sts 0x0089, r25
340: 80 93 88 00 sts 0x0088, r24
TIMSK1 = 0b001; // in CTC, TOV1 triggers at MAX, ie OCR1A match
now with the exception of the possible unsafe write , this compiles as I expected.
However, when I run it the inverted op stays high and the other low. No PWM.
I had no trouble setting up Timer2 so there must be something I'm over looking or something in the library code that is messing this up that I am not aware of.
Of course, I was mixing up the timings with the phase corrected modes. Clearly I need to toggle in CTC.
I actually find these mnemonics are just as cryptic as plain binary: remembering what WMG12 means is the same as remembering what TCCR1B[5] does except that I need to learn two names instead of one. (Not Arduinos fault, that's the Atmel doc) but it's as cryptic a binary at the end of the day.
I either need to define some const values that are human readable (which is probably what Arduino should have done) or liberally spray my code with comments. Until I find out exactly how all this hangs together , it's the latter.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
TCCR1A &= (unsigned char)~0b11110011; // zeros are reserved bits
// TCCR1A |= 0b00; // WGM1[1,0] = 0b00, with WGM1[3,2]=01 for CTC; WGM1[3]=0 i/p
TCCR1A |= 0b01000000; // COM1A[1,0]= TCCR1A[7.6]=01; COM1B[1,0]= TCCR1A[5,4]=00 ; normal DIO
// COM1A[1,0]= 01 ; toggle output to chk freq on pin 9 //
// TCCR1B[7,6] : input capture only, noise filter , edge detection. [5] reserved
TCCR1B &= ~0b11011111; // [7,6] noise canceller=0; [5] resv.
TCCR1B |= 0b01101; // 01101: WGM2[3,2]=01 + "div 1024" -> 16kHz tick: OCR1A sets count ...
OCR1A = 16; // set cycle length = 16kHz /16/2 = circa 1/2 kHz
TIMSK1 = 0b001; // in CTC, TOIE1 bit: TOV1 triggers at MAX, ie OCR1A match
That seems to be the same as what you posted.
My TIMER1_OVF_vect() is getting called now as I intended. And I get 500Hz on pin 9