Timer2 WGM22/TCCR2B im getting confused...

In the data sheet of the Atmega328P http://www.wvshare.com/datasheet/ATMEL_PDF/ATmega328P.PDF on page 161 in chapter 17.11.2 about the TCCR2B bit 3 WGM22 it says that the bit is read only.

But in the same data sheet on page 160 it says that WGM2 together with WGM1 and WGM0 controls the Timer/Counter mode of operation. That is manipulating the bits in WGM2, WGM1 and WGM0 sets the mode of Timer2.
Also in the forum here on arduino.cc there are code examples of writing to the WGM22 bit.
See here Arduino Forum

How can it be possible to write to a bit that is read only?
If someone has an explanation it will be much appreciated as im getting confused.

Thanks in advance.

The table on page 161 is wrong, the bits WGM22 as well as CS22 are both writable. Everything else does not make sense. And you can try it, writing the bit does change the content.

This is fixed in the current version of the datasheet:

Those tricky Atmel guys moved it on me:

(file size: 35MB, 660 pages, revision G, updated: 02/2013)

That link doesn't work for me.

Nice that clears up the confusion.
Thanks a lot