TimerOne interrupt not firing

Hey all.
In the project I'm currently working on, I want the backlight of an lcd display to turn off after a few seconds of idling.
I figured I could use the internal 16 bit timer as this has a maximum period of approximately eight seconds which would be perfect.
I'm using an Arduino Duemilanove and the TimerOne library. Backlight is controlled by a transistor on a pin named backlightpin.
The code I've got so far to implement the timer:

void setup(){
 Timer1.initialize(8388480); //Start timer, period 8.3 seconds (is maximum)
 Timer1.attachInterrupt(lcdOff); //Interrupt function to call every period

void lcdOff() //Interrupt for turning backlight off
  digitalWrite(backlightpin, LOW);
  Timer1.stop(); //Stop counting until timer starts again

void lcdOn()
  digitalWrite(backlightpin, HIGH);
  Timer1.start(); //Start counting again

Function lcdOn is called every time the rotary encoder I use for input moves. The idea is that when the lcdOn function is called, the backlight turns on, timer is set to zero and started. When the timer reaches 8 seconds it should fire the interrupt function and stop counting to prevent it from firing again in 8 seconds.

The problem is that the interrupt just won't call after I use the Timer1.start function. I suspected that the interrupt enable flag was being cleared in that function so I looked in the TimerOne source:

void TimerOne::start()	// AR addition, renamed by Lex to reflect it's actual role
  unsigned int tcnt1;
  TIMSK1 &= ~_BV(TOIE1);        // AR added  
  GTCCR |= _BV(PSRSYNC);   		// AR added - reset prescaler (NB: shared with all 16 bit timers);

  oldSREG = SREG;				// AR - save status register
  cli();						// AR - Disable interrupts
  TCNT1 = 0;                	
  SREG = oldSREG;          		// AR - Restore status register

  do {	// Nothing -- wait until timer moved on from zero - otherwise get a phantom interrupt
	oldSREG = SREG;
	tcnt1 = TCNT1;
	SREG = oldSREG;
  } while (tcnt1==0); 
//  TIFR1 = 0xff;              		// AR - Clear interrupt flags
//  TIMSK1 = _BV(TOIE1);              // sets the timer overflow interrupt enable bit

Upon uncommenting the last line TIMSK1 = _BV(TOIE1), the program freezes at TimerOne.start.
TIMSK1 &= ~_BV(TOIE1) disables the interrupt, comment says it's to prevent a phantom interrupt call.
What also seemed odd to me is that Sei() isn't called, if I want to keep using the interrupt after the start function
I should globally re enable interrupts, right?

Has anyone got any clues on how to solve this?

TimerOne library: Arduino Playground - Timer1

I don't know about your problem but:

        oldSREG = SREG;
	tcnt1 = TCNT1;
	SREG = oldSREG;   // <------------ this will put interrupts back if they were on before

In the project I'm currently working on, I want the backlight of an lcd display to turn off after a few seconds of idling.

Wouldn't it be far simpler to test millis() in your main loop, and see if 8 seconds have elapsed?

Try forcing the number of microseconds to a long integer:


and instead of using Timer1.start() try using this:


I've been using Timer1 and I couldn't get it to work properly with Timer1.start(). I found that setPeriod did what I wanted which is to restart the interrupts.


Thanks for your fast replies!
I wasn't sure if the interrupt flags were also saved, your point seems logical indeed.
Using millis it would definitely work but then I would need some huge variables to check for 8 seconds every time.
My thought was that using a dedicated timer would be more elegant but if it won't work there's no other option I guess.

Pete, thanks for the suggestion, I am gonna try it now!

Update: got it working with


Thanks a lot!!

Using millis it would definitely work but then I would need some huge variables to check for 8 seconds every time.

A variable that holds 8000? Like, an int?