Dear community,
i hope you're all healthy in your homes.
Im using the time to understand Arduino better and started a little kinetic lamp project.
Everything worked out well so far, and i learned a lot.
But now I'm stuck with following problem:
My servos just move after each pixel move.
What means that the program just goes normally through the loop() section.
I want to let the servos and as well the Neopixel animation run in a multithread.
Think the solution is timer() and millis() but i have absolutely no idea of how to make it work.
Is anyone keen to explain to me how to use it in my code ?
- I´m using 3 continuously servos and a normal one
Stay healthy and much love from Berlin
//positioning a continuous rotation servo
//using a delay to poistion the motor#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>#include <Servo.h>
Servo filthyServo1;
Servo NotSoFilthyServo2;
Servo OkayServo3;
//Servo CoolServo4;const uint16_t PixelCount = 40; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint16_t PixelPin = 7; // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
const uint16_t AnimCount = 1; // we only need one
const uint16_t TailLength = 5; // length of the tail, must be shorter than PixelCount
const float MaxLightness = 0.5f; // max lightness at the head of the tail (0.5f is full bright)NeoGamma colorGamma; // for any fade animations, best to correct gamma
NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
NeoPixelAnimator animations(AnimCount); // NeoPixel animation management object
long myTimer2 = 0;
long myTimeout2 = 7000;void setup() {
// using Hsl as it makes it easy to pick from similiar saturated colors
float hue = (50) / 360.0f;
for (uint16_t index = 0; index < strip.PixelCount() && index <= TailLength; index++)
float lightness = index * MaxLightness / TailLength;
RgbColor color = HslColor(hue, 1.0f, lightness);strip.SetPixelColor(index, colorGamma.Correct(color));
filthyServo1.writeMicroseconds(2200); // Stop
NotSoFilthyServo2.writeMicroseconds(1500); // Stop
OkayServo3.writeMicroseconds(1500); // Stop// CoolServo4.attach(); // this is the only Servo that is not continuous
// CoolServo4.writeMicroseconds(1500; // Stop}
void loop() {
filthyServo1.write(1520); //C-Clockwise
filthyServo1.write(1500); //Stop
delay(1000);NotSoFilthyServo2.write(1526); //C-Clockwise
NotSoFilthyServo2.write(1500); //Stop
delay(1000);OkayServo3.write(1526); //C-Clockwise
OkayServo3.write(1500); //Stop
delay(300);// the only not continuous spinning servo
// CoolServo4.write(1526); //C-Clockwise
// delay(1771);
// CoolServo4.write(1500); //Stop
// delay(2000);
// CoolServo4.detach();
// delay(300);filthyServo1.attach(11);