Hello i bought this item:
I have an arduino mega and and Ethernet shield with sd card connected on it, now i want to use this as a timer.
On th ebotom of the page there are two pictures how to connnect it with arduino, when i use the firs methode (where it is conected to the 5V and GND) my arduino starts ant shuts down, when i pull out the cable of 5V it starts again normally, if i use the second method and use the example read files in the DS1307h library it wont work, i think it has to do something with the way i connected it.
Check to see if the VCC and GND pins on your board are shorted together. Look for solder bridges on the board. Sounds like a defective board.
the multimeter shows that it is not shorted,maybe its because of the battery, i put an cr2032 battery, somewhere i found that i can use that, its 3V