I was wondering if anyone had figured out how to use Karlsen's tinyFat and UTFT_Tinyfat librarys with the arduino due. His UTouch and UTFT libraries work out of the box with the due and my 5.0" lcd screen but his SD card library doesn't.
I know there is an SD card library that works with the due, but I am looking to load images from the sd card and display them on the screen.
Check the shield you are using, if the shield is for MEGA2560, it doesn't have a SPI connection as DUE's only SPI connection is originated from the ICSP header in the center.
If this is the case, probably you need a shield exclusively for arduino DUE
I was wondering if anyone had figured out how to use Karlsen's tinyFat and UTFT_Tinyfat librarys with the arduino due. His UTouch and UTFT libraries work out of the box with the due and my 5.0" lcd screen but his SD card library doesn't.
I know there is an SD card library that works with the due, but I am looking to load images from the sd card and display them on the screen.
Any help would be appreciated!
Nick D.
Why not ask Henning ? I had questions about his UTFT libraries - when used with a Mega 2560, and he answered them quite willingly once I explained what was needed. Seems a real gentleman. He may well be revamping his other work for Due applications anyway??