TinySine WIFI Shield

I have been working for a week with this TinySine WIFI Shield module on an Arduino Uno.

No success after spending most of the time reading other peoples unsuccessful attempts.
So its not as though I haven't been researching.

I have not found ONE instance of anyone touting success; not one. Many forum requests by others have simply gone unanswered.

Has any one here had success and are holding back? or is it a flunky from day 1?
It sure LOOKS impressive. I would hate to think people make crap hardware just to rip people off.

Anyhow, as I suspect, probably no one has been able to work this piece of crap out. Does anyone here have a recommendation that they know will work?

What I am trying to do is wirelessly connect to an IP on a local network using UDP.
Currently I am using an Arduino+ethernet shield into a wired ethernet cable into a router etc.
I just want to do the same with wifi.

Anyone? :frowning:

try the WiFly library

"try the WiFly library"?

I did and many others.
Did you get it working with this or did you just google it because it just doesn't work.

I am convinced it is a piece of crap and just need ONE person to show me it working.

If you spend more than a day trying to get something to work without success, send it back for a refund.

If that is not possible, chalk it up as another unfortunate learning experience, and post negative comments wherever possible to warn others.

I don't have the shield or a module with RN-171, but I can help you troubleshot it.
before esp8266 many different WiFi chips were adopted for Arduino. this is one of them.
other manufactures made shields with RN-171 too. so search for Arduino RN-171, not only for TinySine

did you try the shield over SoftwareSerial or over hardware Serial. did you try the module without the shield?
how does it fail?