Tips for tools/arduino stuff/sensors/components to get me a free delivery

An online seller that I use, RS components, has a few items, which only they sell, that I particularly want to buy, which add up to about £27. At present they are requiring a minimum price of £30 to get free delivery. I can buy extra things to bring me over the £30 limit and get free delivery. If I get things in the right sort of price range this works out cheaper than paying delivery on £27 of items, but if I spend a bit mroe then at least I'm spending on stuff not delivery costs.

The selelr sells most of the kinds of components, kits, tools... which can be imagined, although some at rather higher prices than elsewhere.

Any suggestions of what sort of thing is useful to get, particular sorts of small items likely to be of use?

For example:
solder (not this, I've plenty already)
packs of LEDs (another thing I don't really need as I have plenty)

Any other such generic things worth getting which I might use to bulk up a price for free delivery. Thanks.

Screws, nuts, DVM, logic level MOSFETs, silicone insulated wire, DuPont connectors M/F plastic housings/crimper, solder wick, heat shrink, headers, liquid flux, 5v relay, capacitors, magnifier, flush cutter, tweezers, spudgers, etc . . .

An online seller that I use, RS components, has a few items, which only they sell, that I particularly want to buy, which add up to about £27. At present they are requiring a minimum price of £30 to get free delivery

Interesting. Last time I got stuff from them there was free delivery on any order. I even got free delivery on stuff that had to come from Japan.

If you have any use for h-bridge or motor-driver ICs they have a good range. Can be hard to find them because they are not consistently indexed.


Here's some inspiration (thanks larryd).