Hi, what are the other options of TLC5940 connection to arduino duemilanove?
Connection like in the foto isn't good for me.
Whats not working for you? The circuit described in the picture works perfectly.
it works, but I need free 11 PIN
like this: http://pixelriot.com/pmatp/system/files/images/Arduino-5940_pins_closeup_0.jpg
but this don't work for me, so I need another.
but this don't work for me
Using what code? What did happen? What did you expect to happen? "It didn't work" is pretty lame. It conveys no information at all.
what should I do? I need free 11 pin
Post your code. Explain what happened when you ran it.
In response to your PM, if the guy that made this http://pixelriot.com/pmatp/system/files/images/Arduino-5940_pins_closeup_0.jpg made it work, then there is no reason that you can't. I don't have a TLC5940, so I can't test it, and if you don't post your code, we can't see if it can be modified to use the pins you want to use.
Take a look at tlc_config.h in the TLC5940 library, it supports changing the hardware pinouts (have a look at \libraries\Tlc5940\pinouts\chip_includes.h) and bit-banging which is SPI via software.
/** Determines how data should be transfered to the TLCs. Bit-banging can use any two i/o pins, but the hardware SPI is faster.
- Bit-Bang = TLC_BITBANG
- Hardware SPI = TLC_SPI (default) */
/* This include is down here because the files it includes needs the data
transfer mode */
#include "pinouts/chip_includes.h"
/* Set DATA_TRANSFER_MODE to TLC_BITBANG and change the pins below if you need
to use different pins for sin and sclk. The defaults are defined in
pinouts/ATmega_xx8.h for most Arduino's. */
/** SIN (TLC pin 26) */
/** SCLK (TLC pin 25) */
Hope this helps!
Having taken a look at the actual post you're working from, I think the confusion arises from the fact the the poster of the original article is not using a library to drive the TLC5940. He is doing it all himself, and you'll be able to use the same pins as him. The picture in the Playground is for connecting a TLC5940 to an Arduino using the TL5940 library. You'll need to wire yours up exactly like his, and copy his code and it should work perfectly. I have a TLC5940 set up on a breadboard, so I can test the code with you if you have any trouble!
Good luck!
And the original article!
Thank you really helped, but I'm just starting to play with arduino and I do not understand code.
If I put all code it works for me, but still don't understand how just turn one led
when I know it I can do waht I want with other leds.
Can you help me with it?
You'd be better off using the TLC library - it's fully documented!
Heres a pdf that deals with writing a library for the TLC - this is in essence what you'll be doing if you do not use the TLC library.