TLG10UA03 frozen after changing access point through webconfig

My TLG10UA03 had been working until I changed the wifi network access point from the webconfig panel. Now when the module is started the initialisation led comes on and after a few seconds the wifi led blinks but the initialisation led does not go out and it will not connect to the network and it is impossible to make a serial connection to it. I noticed that there is a physical reset pin 4 on the wifi module, has anybody managed to use this?

Hey tel me, is your module hosting an adhock network? Cause in the options there is a default one that state the module will go on adhock mode if the STA connection can't be made

The Reset pin does the same as AT+Z. Basically it restart your module.

Hi Frederic thanks for the reply. I think it is bricked, no new wifi network appears when it is on and it is totally impossible to get a serial connection. I think it is faulty and have notified the suppliers, Elechouse. Not having much luck with this one having had a faulty PL2303 programmer. If the reset pin purely restarts the module I can't see that would be any different to switching it off and back on and that does nothing.

Wow that suck. Hope you get a replacement. I'm almost at the point where i will present some software solution to fully configure the thing with at+command. I would suggest not to use the web interface or as little as possible. The module work bether with at command, and you alway's keep in touch physicaly with it.

But tel me have you tryed to contact it with serial port?

Yes, I have tried to connect serial many times using different arduinos via the Elechouse shield with the jumpers set to pc. The serial monitor will open in the Arduino ide but no AT responses appear and the uart wifi config utility will not recognise the wifi module at all.

If you have a Mega. Try the sketch Multiserial

Then in the serial monitor, send "+++" without line feed or cariage return.

But, i've seen this before tel me does the module send a string when you reset it?

Have you try putting the communication speed at 9600, or 115200? Have you try both?

so far I have only tried at 115200 as per manufacturers instructions, doing it now......

Hi Frederic
I have tried it at both baud rates and it still refuses to respond to AT commands from the serial monitor or to connect to the UART wifi utility. I am now wondering whether the module is bricked or if it is something to do with the shield, perhaps it does not work properly when the module goes into AP mode. However I have tried the module (without the shield connected) to two Unos directly with dupont connectors as per manufacturers instructions with the Atmega328 on and off the pcb and at both baud rates and still could not connect. I also tried a Nano 328, Iduino Due, Sainsmart Due and Sunfounder Mega. None worked. As the supplied PL2303 usb serial module never worked I can't verify the latter possibility. I have an Iduino Due and serial programmer bought from here on ebay:
I suspect that I could use this serial programmer to attempt to make a connection to the TLG10UA03 as it is designed to program a 3.3 volt Due and can apparently supply 800mA. I do not want to just plug it in and try in case I do permanent damage to either components but can't find anything on Google to confirm my theory. It comes up as Arduino Due programming port in device manager, hence my hesitation to just try it. What do you think?
Thanks for your suggestions so far, you clearly know an awful lot about this wifi module and are doing a commendable job working on libraries for it, I bought it because I read many of your posts and realised how useful and simple it it is to use. I am very new to all this arduino stuff so apologise if the above question is silly! Another question that I am sure is not silly is do you have any knowledge of porting a library for the SAM3 (Due and derivatives) and if so are you intending your libraries to work with it?


Well for now I only got the first generation of Arduino, but I got a Due coming by mail as we talk. So for now I'm making the library in that aspect,

How ever, as i read the Due documentation, i can see the multi-tasking aspect of the beast. Since the tlg unit has a multi socket handleling, I'm seeing a real benifite coming from using Due in conjonction.

So yes, I will see to that it will work together. But for now, i will start to make it work with the first generation, then bring it up to the next level, while seing to keep, as much as possible, the compatibility between both. I'm not a Microsoft kinda guy, so to me all plateforms are good no mather how old it is.

Next, I've never had, this kind of problem with my unit, so i don't really know wath to tel you. You should get a refund or replacement for the defect unit.

Hi Frederic
Brilliant, when you get the due it is a new experience, it is so fast and adaptable although so far I have spent most of my time telling the manufactures how to get their shield and lcd working, this is one of the Dues that I have got so far:
I am working on a very specific project with lightwaverf home automation due to the low cost of parts to integrate with their system and the ability to add all sorts of sensors and outputs with the arduino and control it all through the lightwaverf web / android / iphone app. I am using the Arduino to create an integrated alarm and control system and thought that the speed and features of the due would make the project work far better. But the libraries are from a community source and are not compatible with the due and I have no idea how to port them so I am a bit stumped at the moment. Fortunately I have a working setup using two AVR's, one as receiver and one as transmitter. I am intending to use the TLG10UA03 for the alarm functionality of the system ie to send emails and to be able to remotely monitor system status from a hidden and battery powered unit (router is hidden, security enclosed and supplied with ups, 3g alternative is too expensive).
I have got so far with this that I am prepared to find a resolution to this particular issue and then continue, after all it is months of work already!
After all this grief I could not resist pre-ordering a pair of these Spark Core units on the basis that they could be operated with UDP commands therefore eliminating the lightwaverf radio frequency protocol:

Better tech specs here:
they cost $40 and have the SAM3, 2M flash and release of latest version is imminent. What do you reckon to that? It seems a good buy and a good community support area and tiny.
Best regards

Well seem WOW!

I would conjugate this with a I2C bus to 16 port expender.

There could be a down side that I would check before buying this, What is the pin spacing? If it's 2,54mm, it's perfect. How ever if it's 2mm, then you need to find some breakout board to make it compatible with the rest of real life stuff.

Tried the multiserial sketch for the Mega, no joy. Re Spark yes it does look good, wow is an understatement if it is as good as it looks. I would imagine and am almost sure it will have 2.54 pin spacing but will find out soon hopefully.

It is 2,54mm pin spacing. As you can see on the picture I just send, it fit on a breadbord. Unless they now make 2mm hole spacing breadbord wich would also be a WOW finally case. :wink:

Give me news about this board, as soon that you get it, I might get one,

Found this on the spark core but no pin spacing as far as I can see:

You are one step ahead of me
I will post as soon as I receive them, they are putting out a new update so will have to be patient...

They say 0.1 inch, since an inch is 2.54 centimetres, the spacing is 2.54 millimetres. So it's a good thing.