Total noob here. Treat me gently!
I'm trying to run 2 Nema17 steppers at about 60rpm using 2 X S2209 drivers (running TMC2209 chips I believe) from an Arduino Nano. The basic code I'm running successfully accelerates to full speed, mainatians full speed for a while, then decelerates to stand-still - then repeats in the opposite direction. But the top speed is quite slow. I have nothing connected to the MS1 and MS2 pins so I believe it's running at 1/16th steps. I've tried connecting MS1 and MS2 to GND and VCC but these only result in slower rotations. I don't seem to be able to get it to run at Half Step which, i believe, would get me to around 60rpm.
Any help gratefully received!
The TMC2209 MS1/MS2 pins have internal pulldowns selecting the fastest mode, x8 microstepping (8 pulses per full step). This is in the datasheet for the TMC2209 - no
idea where you got the 1/16, the default is 1/8, ie 1600 steps/revolution
All the other settings are slower (more pulses needed).
You haven't posted your code so we can't see why its slow - 60rpm only needs 1600 pulses per second.
Posting links to the datasheets of the stepper and the driver impresses every helper.
Fiddling with the phone for the moment, it has to wait using Oncle Google.
I have increased the pulse rate and the steppers turn quicker! job done!
Thank you all for your help.
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